Dla osób indywidualnych i grup szkolnych Jedyny drewniany labirynt w promieniu 400 km od warszawy Odnajdź się w labiryncie zobacz więcej ta zabawa wciąga Jesteśmy otwarci od końca kwietnia do końca października nowe doświadczenie wejdź do świata zagadek zobacz więcej od wiosny do jesieni 🙂 zabawa i Relax baw się i wypoczywaj dowiedz się więcej czekamy na ciebie

Hundreds of activities
to discover

Great Wall

Keen eye and a steady hand? Start your Olympic or Paralympic career here!
  • ages 18+
  • 1 Hours
find out more

Your Next Adventure
Starts Here!

Four stunning locations on the Mendip and Quantock Hills providing exceptional outdoor education for nearly 70 years!

Outdoor activities

If outdoor activities are your favourite, then we’ve got a wide range for all ages and abilities.


Our Lake has a whole raft of water-based sports and activities, all with expert tuition and supervision when you need it.

Short breaks

Watch our informative videos which will show you what to expect on a short break at Activland

Call to contact us

(844) 1432-7483-55

or send us a message
what we do

Group Bookings Available



What our visitors say


Great for
families, couples
and individuals

Accommodation is on a bed and breakfast basis. Self catering or full board options are available just give us a call or drop us an email.